2512 Makkah Al Mukaramah, Khobar 34445, Saudi Arabia info@emdadconsulting.com +966 13 882 0202

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EMDAD Engineering offers the following services to help clients catalog and manage their equipment, spare parts, and material:

  • 1) Creating new Project and MRO equipment, spare parts, material, lab, B2B, scrap, commissioning, surplus and unclassified items
  • 2) Classifying the critical spare parts of your operational equipment
  • 3) Identifying the bill of materials (BOM) of your equipment
  • 4) Conducting field verifications to ensure that all your assets are included in your ERP system.
  • 5) Enhancing the descriptions and taxonomy of your materials
  • 6) Selecting the correct material classification for your items
  • 7) Specifying the correct UNSPSC – Materials Structure for your items
  • 8) Reviewing and validating your replenishment process and safety stocks
  • 9) Selecting the appropriate inventory and storage parameters for your materials
  • 10) Analyzing your productivity and performance metrics