2512 Makkah Al Mukaramah, Khobar 34445, Saudi Arabia info@emdadconsulting.com +966 13 882 0202

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EMDAD Engineering warehouse services are designed to improve client’s supply chain performance, including:
1) Designing new warehouses that suit your needs and specifications.
2) Maximizing the utilization and efficiency of your existing warehouses
3) Verifying the accuracy and quality of your master data
4) Procuring, receiving, stocking, and delivering goods on your behalf (3rd party)
5) Cleansing, optimizing, and standardizing your data to improve your decision making
6) Identifying and eliminating duplicate records and errors in your data
7) Developing preservation policies to protect your goods from damage and deterioration.
8) Conducting wall to wall inventory to ensure the visibility and accountability of your stock.